
Sunday, July 3, 2011

Salon Woes

This guest post from Edgardo Rosa

Our business wasn’t new, but I knew we needed to do something to help kickstart sales. Things had been slow for a while, due in large part to the construction outside the salon, and I was worried at how low our sales had been for months. It really was time to get a website up for the store anyway, so I didn’t mind having to spare the extra expense. My friend Candy helped me figure the whole process out and we started by going to to look at different domains. Once we had one picked out Candy made all the pages for us and within a couple of days we were live on the web. It’s been a Godsend, truly, because business is definitely improving. One of the ways we use our site is to offer promotional coupons for haircuts or waxes and customers are bringing those in daily. Whatever gets business in the door is fine by me, I say! Hopefully things will turn around for us soon and this website is just the first step.


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