
Friday, July 22, 2011

RPattz's shocking new hair!

Rob at Comic Con sporting his new do! Getty Images

At the Breaking Dawn - Part 1 press conference at Comic-Con, Robert Pattinson shocked audiences with the sides of his hair newly shaved, replacing his usual unclean messy mop.

God bless, he's only gone for the chop for his new role in Cosmopolis! According to US Weekly, Rob's character, Eric Packer, rushes out of the barbers before his hair is fully styled. At least he doesn't seem terribly embarrassed by the terrible hairstyle, if I were a boy I know I would! Alongside the 'Water for Elephants' star was Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner and other Twilight celebrities taking part in the four day event in San Diego.

Posted by Danielle Shields
Follow me on Twitter for the latest entertainment news @DaniLouShields


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