
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Exclusive interview with Beau Yotty

As a child, Beau Yotty spent a lot of his his spare time watching action movies just like any other kid! However, when Beau Yotty became a young adult, he discovered that he had what it takes to be an actor. As we all know, kids usually fantasize about becoming the characters of their favorite movies. Beauty Yotty, who plays Eric Lancer in his new film  MERC: Shadow Knight Origin, had the chance of turning his childhood fantasy into reality, and today he reveals in this exclusive interview how he turned himself into an outstanding actor. Watch out LA because soon you might have a fresh face coming to town!

1. I understand that you loved watching action movies while growing up. However, later on you acquired a special attachment to acting while attending college. What was that event that particularly made you at that point in life enroll into acting courses? In other words, how can you describe that transition that took you from just being a fan your whole life to becoming a devoted actor as a young adult?Beau Yotty: I couldn’t get enough of action movies growing up. It was actually the summer before my freshman year in college. I attended a Showcase with my mother that summer and I did pretty well, heard some great things, so I decided to take classes to build on my skill and enroll at Northwest Studios. I knew I made the right decision the second I left the first class. It was as if I was walking on air and I felt a natural high from what I learned that day and the feeling continues to this day. I can honestly say that I became addicted to acting and there isn’t anything else I can see myself doing with my life.

2. You have a new movie coming out MERC: Shadow Knight Origin. Tell us what it is all about and what your role in it is! Also, Why do you think that action and sci-fi movie fans should really watch it? What makes it different from other movies of the same kind?
Beau Yotty: In MERC: Shadow Knight Origin I was cast as Eric Lancer/Shadow Knight. Eric is a complex character who, with the help of genetic enhancements, develops a side effect that creates a second personality in his head. His parents were killed and an early age and as a result, he was raised by his uncle in a paramilitary training facility. He becomes the ultimate weapon known as Shadow Knight.  Eric struggles daily with the idea of choosing the life of western morality or a MERC life of killing for money. The film really digs in deep to the psyche of Eric Lancer both consciously and subconsciously. Fans of the Action/Sci-Fi genre will get something different with MERC: Shadow Knight Origin. The film is filled with action and a Sci-Fi theme along the way, although overall I would say it is Drama film. There is a deep and entertaining plot that the audience will definitely enjoy.

3. Tell us about your modeling career! When did you exactly begin your modeling venture and what is your connection with Supreme Protein?
Beau Yotty: I saw modeling as a way of getting into the entertainment industry, learn what I could and become more comfortable in front of the camera. Fitness, diet and nutrition are important elements of my life. So, I teamed up with Supreme Protein and became a member of Team Supreme a couple years ago. I really enjoyed their products and was happy to be able to work with them. It was an amazing experience and I am thankful for Kelly Conklin and everyone at Supreme Protein for giving me the opportunity. At the beginning of the year, Supreme Protein focused more on Professional Athletes and I wish them all the best. I am currently in discussions with a couple supplement companies and I hope to represent one of them soon. I maintain a very strict physical training program and diet. I believe that it is crucial to be on top of your game both physically and mentally.
4. According to your appearance in Island of the Cannibal Death Gods, how do you compare the production process of this horror movie to any other action movie that you have been featured in? What is the plot of the movie and what side of you do we see in it?
Beau Yotty: I guess it can depend on the amount of action in each film. Horror can definitely be fun to film, but I can say that I prefer action if given the choice. With Island of the Cannibal Death Gods, there was a lot of running and physical excursion. One scene required my character to jump off of a boat a swim through some “disgusting” water towards land. I think he preferred the water to what was waiting for him on the boat. There are some great characters in the film. Island of the Cannibal Death Gods is about three men who take a vacation to escape their individual problems in life. Needless to say, once they arrive on the Island, there are worse problems waiting for them. I play a local guy named “Bad Ass Beau” and although he had a strong name, he was the complete opposite. Unlike Eric Lancer/Shadow Knight and other characters have played, Bad Ass Beau was scared and preferred to run instead of stand and fight.

5. Any upcoming projects? Also, you already have a pretty broad experience in this competitive field. How far do you want to get in this industry? And last but not least, would you ever take your career to Los Angeles?
Beau Yotty: I have several projects in the works. A couple weeks ago I was cast as The Careview Slasher in Zack Daggy’s Film Dark Worlds: Slasher, which begins production this summer. I am very excited about this role. William Rosum/Careview Slasher is a serial killer, who has amassed 55 killings and has become a bit of a celebrity in the town. I have also agreed to do a comedy that should start production this summer or early fall, as well as another action film at the end of the year. There are a few other projects out there that I am not at liberty to discuss at the moment, but I am very excited about them as well. I recently completed a screenplay for an Action/Drama film about two detectives that takes place in South Florida. We are currently discussing possibilities with a couple producers and we are looking to sign a producer to the project soon. I plan to make my permanent residence in LA sometime this year.  I do have big dreams in the movie industry and I am determined to reach them. I know it’s a hard road, but I am more than ready to take on whatever obstacles come my way. I believe if you work hard, remain respectful to others and never give up, the possibilities are endless.


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